Postal Address Verification API


This response is returned by the VerifyAddress method.

Type Properties

Property NameDescriptionData TypeSample
CityNameThe preferred city name for the address.StringChesapeake
CountryThe address country.StringUSA
CountyThe name of the county or parish in which the 5-digit ZIP Code resides.StringCHESAPEAKE CITY
FirmNameOrRecipientThe building or firm recipient name when available.StringESENDEX
PrimaryAddressLineThe corrected primary delivery address.String505 Independence Pkwy Ste 300
ReturnCodeReturn status of the method call.

1 – Invalid input
2 – Invalid license key
10 – Input address is not found
100 – Input address is DPV-confirmed for all components
101 – Input address is found, but not DPV-confirmed
102 – Input address primary number is DPV-confirmed, secondary number is present but not DPV-confirmed
103 – Input address primary number is DPV-confirmed, secondary number is missing
200 – Canadian address on input, verified on city level only
SecondaryAddressLineSecondary delivery address line (if applicable).String
StateAbbreviationThe 2-letter state abbreviation.StringVA
UrbanizationThe urbanization name (used in Puerto Rico only).StringLOMAS VERDES
ZipCodeThe corrected ZIP Code or Zip+4 (if available).String23320

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